
Speaking And Listening: Formal Debate

A formal (or Parliamentary-way) debate volition crave you to research and defend a position on a controversial event. This style of debate takes some effort to organize and gear up as information technology has a very rigid structure then yous will demand a fair chip of fourth dimension to research and prepare your arguments, and some coaching to effectively use the fence format.

What Does It Expect Like?

Generally a formal debate is held between two teams (Affirmative and Opposing) of two speakers each.

The Resolution is the position existence proposed for contend. It is typically phrased, "Be It Resolved That…"

Suggested Order and Traditional Timelines:

ane.   The first speaker on the Affirmative team (Prime Minister) states the Resolution and defines the terms of  contend. He or she so

presents arguments in support of the resolution. (seven minutes)

two.   The first speaker on the Opposing team (Member of the Opposition) provides a rebuttal of the Prime Government minister's points and

presents arguments opposing the resolution. (7 minutes)

iii.   The second speaker on the Affirmative squad (Minister of the Crown) presents further arguments in support  of the resolution,

identifies areas of conflict, and answers questions that may have been raised by  the opposition speaker. (7 minutes)

4.   The second speaker on the Opposing team provides the rebuttal of the opponent's kickoffarguments and presents farther

arguments confronting the resolution, identifies further areas of conflict, and answers questions that may have been raised past the

previous affirmative speaker. This is the closing statement for the  opposing team. (10 minutes)

5.   The first speaker of the Affirmative team (Prime number Minister) speaks once more, providing rebuttalfor whatsoever remaining opposition

arguments, sums upwards the affirmative (government) argument and restates  the resolution. (three minutes)

**Time lines may be shortened at the discretion of your teacher.

Where Might You Have Difficulty?

Speaking Roles - Remember non to interrupt other speakers. Keep the club of speakers where you lot can see it during the contend so you will know when it is your plough to speak.

Developing an Argument - Yous may find the time lines intimidating. Carefully develop arguments with thorough explanations, concrete examples, statistics, etc. Use a planning sheet to help keep it all straight.

Rebuttal -You lot may have difficulty preparing a rebuttal in accelerate and responding at the appropriate fourth dimension to opposing arguments. Try to predict your opponents' points past because how you would contend that position.

Speaking And Listening: Formal Debate,


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